Congratulations to Kiwanis Club of Adel for being selected as the Chamber's STAR Member of the Week spotlight for the week of March 8th. This recognition is presented by the Small Business Development Committee each week to highlight an active business member or organization in our community. Founded in 1915, Kiwanis International is a global organization of members dedicated to serving the children of the world. Kiwanis and its family of clubs, including Circle K International for university students, Key Club for students age 14-18, Builders Club for students age 11-14, Kiwanis Kids for students age 6-12 and Aktion Club for adults living with disabilities, dedicate annually more than 18 million service hours to strengthen communities and serve children. Our local club is best recognized for organizing the annual “Toys for Cook Kids” program. They provide hundreds of families toys and food during the holiday season. Many local business owners and individuals donate money, time, and goods to help reach those in our community who are in need through this outreach program. For more information on the local organization or how to become a Kiwanis Club member, check out their Facebook page Kiwanis Club of Adel. The club meets the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month at noon at the Parrish House.
Pictured Front Row L. to R.: Lynn Connell, Treasurer Don Huckaby, Misty Dobransky, President Deborah Farmer and Jerry Connell. Back Row: Donna Mauldin, LaToya Turner and Brandie Dame. Not pictured Vice President Brent Dixon and Secretary Angelina Clanton along with numerous club members who were unable to attend the meeting.